




This entry covers changes to the built environment such as a move to a new school building or improvements to the design, air quality, noise, light, or temperature of an existing building.

Search Terms: Physical environment; building; physical setting; physical classroom environment; built environment; physical learning environment

Puntuació de l'evidència

There are no meta-analyses of interventions on the impact of the built environment on learning. Available systematic reviews do not contain effect size information. Research on this area is mainly based on correlational studies or drawn as inferences from wider environmental research. There are two strands of evidence, one which looks for a link between attainment and poor environmental conditions (negative effects) and one which seeks to identify a link between attainment and good conditions or particular features (positive effects). There are very few rigorous experimental designs or well-matched studies, and this makes it hard to establish causal claims about the impact of physical changes.The correlational evidence tends to be stronger for the negative effect of poor conditions. Overall the evidence is rated as very limited.

Informació cost addicional

It is very difficult to estimate the costs of changes to the built environment as they are usually part of capital spending and a single cost, rather than a recurrent part of a school budget. A new secondary school costs about £15 million for 1,500 pupils or £10,000 per pupil. However, several generations of pupils are likely to use the building. Improving air quality can be done relatively cheaply with better ventilation, filtration and the use of dehumidifiers where necessary. Overall, costs are estimated as low.


1 - Baker, L., & Bernstein, H.

The Impact of School Buildings on Student Health and Performance

Washington DC: The Center for Green Schools



2 - Bakó-Biró, Z., Clements-Croome, D. J., Kochhar, N., Awbi, H. B., & Williams, M. J.

Ventilation rates in schools and pupils’ performance

Building and Environment, 48, 215-223



3 - Daisey, J. M., Angell, W. J., & Apte, M. G.

Indoor air quality, ventilation and health symptoms in schools: an analysis of existing information

Indoor Air, 13(1), 53-64



4 - Evans, G. W., & Maxwell, L.

Chronic Noise Exposure and Reading Deficits The Mediating Effects of Language Acquisition

Environment and Behavior, 29(5), 638-656



5 - Maxwell, L. E., & Evans, G. W.

The effects of noise on pre-school children's pre-reading skills 

Journal of environmental Psychology, 20(1), 91-97



6 - McLean, P. D.

A Study of the Relationship Between Building Conditions, Selected Teacher Qualifications, and Student Attendance in High and Low Performing Elementary Schools

Doctoral dissertation



7 - O’Sullivan, S.

A study of the relationship between building conditions and student academic achievement in Pennsylvania’s high school

Doctoral dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University



8 - Shield, B. M., & Dockrell, J. E.

The effects of environmental and classroom noise on the academic attainments of primary school children

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123(1), 133-144



9 - Storey, H. C., Pearce, J., Ashfield-Watt, P. A. L., Wood, L., Baines, E., & Nelson, M.

A randomized controlled trial of the effect of school food and dining room modifications on classroom behaviour in secondary school children

European journal of clinical nutrition, 65(1), 32-38



10 - Tanner, C. K.

The influence of school architecture on academic achievement 

Journal of Educational Administration, 38(4), 309-330



11 - Uline, C., & Tschannen-Moran, M.

The walls speak: The interplay of quality facilities, school climate, and student achievement

Journal of Educational Administration, 46(1), 55-73



12 - Waterhouse, L.

Multiple intelligences, the Mozart effect, and emotional intelligence: A critical review

Educational Psychologist, 41(4), 207-225



13 - Woolner, P., Hall, E., Higgins, S., McCaughey, C., & Wall, K.

A sound foundation? What we know about the impact of environments on learning and the implications for Building Schools for the Future

Oxford Review of Education, 33(1), 47-70



14 - Woolner, P., Hall, E., Wall, K., Higgins, S., Blake, A. & McCaughey, C.

School building programmes: motivations, consequences and implications

Reading: CfBT



15 - Woolner, P., McCarter, S., Wall, K. & Higgins, S.

Changed Learning Through Changed Space. When can a Participatory Approach to the Learning Environment Challenge Preconceptions and Alter Practice?

Improving Schools 15(1), 45-60



16 - Xie, H., Kang, J., & Tompsett, R.

The impacts of environmental noise on the academic achievements of secondary school students in Greater London

Applied Acoustics, 72(8), 551-555


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